To-Do List

♾ Home page
♾ Blogposts page
♾ My Art page
Finish adding descriptions to all art
Upload archived art
Upload Procreate art
List favorite art
Comms FAQ: Do you do furries?
♾ My NSFW Art page
Add descriptions to all art
Upload archived art
Upload Procreate art
List favorite art
♾ My Writing page
Create webpage
♾ My Music page
Create webpage
♾ Comic page
Create webpage
♾ About page
Create webpage



  • ❅ Added templates file.
  • ❅ Caught up the art page with recent art, added descriptions to all the newbies.
  • ❅ Caught up the NSFW art page with recent art, no descriptions.
  • ❅ ITEM


  • ❅ Added the sticky notes on the home page.
  • ❅ Added image spoilering for some content on the NSFW art page.
  • ❅ Added Terms and Conditions to Commissions page.
Notes: I'm starting to feel really confident about all of this! I really like the way this place looks.


  • ❅ Finished linking Chronological lists of the SFW and NSFW art pages.
  • ❅ Created spoiler for NSFW image on homepage.
  • ❅ Finally had the experience of closing 15 stackexchange tabs after figuring out the problem myself (reg. above).
  • ❅ Added preview for recent blog and art posts on homepage.


  • ❅ Blogpost/Dev Update number 2.
  • ❅ Changed "Sites I Used" to "Resources I Used"
  • ❅ Navigation bar: Grey out current page.
  • ❅ Added back to top button.
  • ❅ Began adding and formatting bulk of My Art page content.


  • ❅ Created art page.
  • ❅ Struggled creating collapsibles and promptly gave up.
  • ❅ Experienced.
Notes: Thought I had it figured out. Apparently not.


  • ❅ Created updates page.
  • ❅ Changed header.
  • ❅ Amended header.
  • ❅ Added stamp.
  • ❅ Quality of life improvements.
Notes: Still figuring stuff out.